Why a blog on EU-Japan connectivity?
EU and Japan have in its Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure decided to cooperate on strategic issues. This Partnership is built on common values. To most people these are quite abstract and difficult to grasp. In this blog we will try to simplify EU-Japan Connectivity and give concrete examples of ongoing projects, debate the meaning of the Partnership and come up with suggestions for future areas of cooperation.
To get an impact of connectivity, visibility is key. People need to know what it is about and how it relates to their own life as well as EU-Japan relations on a broader level.
In this blog there will be postings from European and Japanese people working with connectivity on the ground and from some of the people in Africa, Indo Pacific, Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia where connectivity is ongoing. There will also be postings from high-level academic scholars specialising on various angels of EU-Japan Connectivity.
The blog will be edited by me.
Marie Söderberg
Team Leader of the EU-Japan Connectivity Program at the EU delegation in Tokyo.
Professor Emerita and former head of the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics.